Locating and downloading primary sequence, and supporting, data is now a common task however it isn't always the simplest one. At ENA, we are interested in making data retrieval as smooth as possible. To this end, we invite users to give us feedback on problem areas, functionality wish lists, and any existing features that you love.

To capture your feedback we have created two short surveys:

  1. The ENA Browser in general: https://ebiux.typeform.com/to/fe319r
  2. Focusing on the ENA Advanced Search: https://ebiux.typeform.com/to/bLxnM7

Each of these surveys should only take 5-10 minutes to complete and all survey responses will be anonymous.

We invite any user interested in guiding future improvements to the ENA Browser and ENA's Advanced Search to fill out the appropriate survey. Or both, if you choose.
