Cow-rumen is the latest addition to the metagenome assembled genome (MAG) catalogues available in MGnify. This catalogue is based on two publically-available datasets, one from the Watson-lab covering a large set of rumen-unique genomes (RUGs), and another from the Robert-lab encompassing an African cattle rumen-specific MAG set. We are particularly thrilled to be presenting the first MGnify MAG catalogue to incorporate publically available third-party generated MAGs, as we believe this represents a truly scalable future for MAG identification.

Taxonomic diversity of cow rumen catalogue v1.0

The catalogue contains 5,578 prokaryotic genomes from the cow rumen microbiome, clustered into 2,729 species representatives. For each cluster representative we provide taxonomic annotations from GTDB (see the image for taxonomic diversity of catalogue), and functional annotations using eggNOG and InterProScan. For any clusters with more than one conspecific genome, we provide a pangenome analysis using Paneroo. All annotations are available to download as flatfiles, as is the associated protein catalogue we provide clustered at multiple levels of amino acid identity.

You can browse the catalogue on our website as a list or a tree, and can compare your own gene and/or genomes against the catalogue using our BIGSI-based or Sourmash-based search options.

You can read more about this cow-rumen catalogue v1.0 on our blog.

